Restricted Funds
These funds forge memorable partnerships with The Foundation and the law-related causes you care about.
These funds forge memorable partnerships with The Foundation and the law-related causes you care about.
Establishing a fund is a special way to pay a lasting tribute to a loved one, friend or colleague while supporting law-related causes that are meaningful to you. Once established, gifts are used in support of programs relating to the special purpose of the fund. We welcome the opportunity to work with you in this way. Contributing the following funds can help those in need of legal services for critical issues such as domestic violence, housing matters, and racial justice; or provide educational and experiential opportunities for law students.
Provides funding for a fellowship to serve in the chambers of the Chief Judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York.
Provides funding for legal services for women and children who are victims of domestic violence.
Provides funding for educational programs for attorneys that uphold and preserve the core values of the legal profession including equality, fairness and justice and which are guided by the highest ethical standards.
Provides funding for law-related educational programs that benefit New York State’s youth, such as Youth Law Day Programs and the Kenneth G. Standard Diversity Internship Program created by the Corporate Counsel Section of the New York State Bar Association.
Provides funding for the charitable purposes of The Foundation.
Provides funding for charitable and educational projects to meet the law-related needs of the public and the legal profession.
Provides funding to support pro bono legal services for the poor.
Provides funding for scholarships for students attending a law school in the State of New York who are participating in an Elder Law Clinic at the school.
Provides funding to improve legal services to the indigent.
Provides funding for legal services to families and children of indigent prisoners.
The fund was established through a gift from the Business Law Section for Foundation grants related to business.
Provides funding for fellowships to minority students attending a law school in New York State to work in a litigation position in the public sector.
The Fellowship was created as part of the Corporate Counsel Section’s commitment to diversity and in conjunction with the New York State Bar Association’s Diversity Challenge.
Provides funding for grant awards to New York nonprofit organizations for fellowships that will provide assistance in matters relating to matrimonial law.
Supports innovations in the provision of cost-effective civil legal services for the indigent.
Provides funding for activities of Youth Courts in New York State.
Established through a special project of the Committee on Children and the Law of The New York State Bar Association, this fund provides scholarships to students who will age out or have aged out of foster care with a permanency goal of Another Planned Permanent Living Arrangement (APPLA).
Established through a gift from the Family Law Section for the purpose of assisting organizations with Family Law related programs through The Foundation’s Grant Program. To give to this fund click here and note your gift is for the Family Law Section Fund.
Provides funding for scholarships to law students attending a law school in New York State who excel in legal writing and advocacy skills.
Provides funding for scholarships for a second or third-year law student to honor the memory of Melvyn Mitzner, a former Chair of the Real Property Law Section.
Provides funding for fellowships for students attending a law school in New York State to assist public interest intellectual property organizations or charities with intellectual property law matters.
Provides funding for scholarships for students attending a law school in the State of New York who exemplify the core values important to Ms. Tharp with an interest in real property law.
Provides funding for scholarships for students attending a law school in the State of New York who exemplify the core values important to Ms. Van Scoyoc with an interest in local government law.
The General Practice Section of the New York State Bar Association established this fund to support pro bono legal services in general practice through the Foundation Grant Program.
The mission of the Law, Youth and Citizenship Program is to facilitate and enrich the civic commitment, and involvement in democracy, of all New Yorkers.
Provides funding for fellowships for second-year students attending a law school in New York State to work in a trusts and estates position in the public sector.
Provides funding to improve the justice system for children and advance laws or policies that affect children and their families through empirical studies, research, the delivery of legal services, and other methods that advance justice for children.
Provides funding for civil legal services to families and children in need. Established in 2023, this fund was established to pay a lasting tribute to the late Honorable Theresa B. Whelan, who served as a Suffolk County Family Court judge as well as the county’s Surrogate’s Court judge, by providing funding for grant awards to New York nonprofit organizations whose mission includes providing assistance to local families and children in need.
The Wachtler Veterans Memorial Fund is focused on providing civil legal services through our grant partners and helping veterans obtain the resources and benefits they have earned through their service to our country.
The Foundation accepts distributions of cy pres or residual funds from class actions and regulatory matters. We will, in turn, direct the funds in the form of grant awards to organizations for law-related charitable and educational projects through our grant making program and monitor those grants on behalf of the Court.